Key Concepts

Differences between a Good and Bad Website: A good website is user-friendly, visually appealing, and effectively communicates its message. On the contrary, a bad website may have a confusing layout, outdated design, and poor functionality. Common mistakes include unclear navigation, excessive use of pop-ups, and slow loading times. In our work, we focus on user experience, responsive design, and optimizing performance to create effective and engaging websites.

Attributes of a Good Website vs. a Bad Website

Good Website Bad Website
Clear and Intuitive Navigation Confusing and Disorganized Navigation
Responsive Design for All Devices Non-Responsive Design, Poor User Experience on Mobile
Fast Loading Time Excessive Loading Time, Slow Performance
High-Quality and Relevant Content Low-Quality Content, Irrelevant Information
Engaging and Attractive Design Outdated or Unappealing Design
Effective Use of White Space Crowded Layout, Lack of White Space

Web-based Media and Social Impact: Web-based media plays a dual role in perpetuating systems of inequality and promoting social change. While it can amplify marginalized voices and catalyze movements, it also has the potential to reinforce echo chambers and spread misinformation. Balancing these dynamics requires critical media literacy, diverse representation, and a commitment to fostering inclusive online spaces.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Content Management Systems (CMS) and WSYWIG Website Creators: CMS, such as WordPress, streamlines website management, offering flexibility and scalability. However, reliance on templates may limit design creativity. WYSIWYG platforms like Wix provide simplicity, but customization may be constrained. It's essential to weigh ease of use against customization needs when choosing these tools.For more information on the differences of these two forms of website development the following Youtube video provide a brief summary on some the reasons why one may prove a better fit over the other in certain situations: